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Gure Zuzendari Nagusiak, Francisco Javier Diéguez Barriocanal, Euskadirako proiektu berri honen buru izateko gogo bizia eta konpromisoa adierazi zigun Cyberzaintza-ren aurkezpen ekitaldi ofizialean.


Roberto Pérez de Arriluzea, AKG (Arabako Kalkulu Gunea), Maribel Ugarte Albisu, Izfe, S.A. Informatika Zerbitzuen Foru Elkartea, Imanol Sauto, Lantik S.A., eta Oier Pérez Egiluz, Eusko Jaurlaritza, moderatzaile bezala, "Euskal Administrazio Publikoen erronkak" panelean parte hartu zuten. Bertan,…


"Esperientzia Sektorialen" panelean Idoia Mateo Murillo - Santander, Xabier Mitxelena - Cybasque eta Andoni Valverde Villar - Iberdrola parte hartu zuten, INCIBE-ko Maria Eugenia López Hernandez-ek moderatuta. Gehien errepikatu zen hitza "eraldaketa digitala" izan zen, eta nabarmendu zuten enpresek…


Luigi Rebuffi, European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) eta Women4Cyber Foundation, "Eskualdeen funtsezko eginkizuna Europako zibersegurtasunean" gaiari buruz mintzatu zen, eta ROC (Regions in Operational Cybersecurity) ekimen berria beharrezkoa dela nabarmendu zuen, eskualdeko agintariek…


Gure zuzendariaren hitzetan, "Cyberzaintzan elkarlaneko gobernantza-eredu bat sustatuko dugu, sektore pribatura zabaltzen dena sektore anitzeko kontsulta-kontseilu baten bidez, eta, areago, zenbat eta eragile ekonomiko, sozial, hezitzaile edo kultural gehiagorekin lan egiteko bokazioaren bidez...…


Josu Erkoreka lehenengo lehendakariorde eta Segurtasuneko sailburua buru zela egin zen Cyberzaintza, Euskadiko Zibersegurtasun Agentzia berria, sortzeko ekitaldi ofiziala. Sailburuaren hitzetan “Cyberzaintzak Europa digitalaren zibersegurtasunean Euskadi erreferente izaten lagunduko digu”.


"Esperientzia Autonomikoen" panel horretan, CCN-CERT Zentro Kriptologiko Nazionaleko Pablo López-ek moderatua, Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya-ko Tomàs Roy Català eta Generalitat Valenciana-ko Carmen Serrano Durbá entzun ahal izan genituen, tokiko erakundeei zibersegurtasunean, laguntzan eta…


Josu Erkoreka lehenengo lehendakariorde eta Segurtasuneko sailburua buru zela egin zen Cyberzaintza, Euskadiko Zibersegurtasun Agentzia berria, sortzeko ekitaldi ofiziala. Sailburuaren hitzetan “Cyberzaintzak Europa digitalaren zibersegurtasunean Euskadi erreferente izaten lagunduko digu”.


Gure zuzendariaren hitzetan, "Cyberzaintzan elkarlaneko gobernantza-eredu bat sustatuko dugu, sektore pribatura zabaltzen dena sektore anitzeko kontsulta-kontseilu baten bidez, eta, areago, zenbat eta eragile ekonomiko, sozial, hezitzaile edo kultural gehiagorekin lan egiteko bokazioaren bidez...…


Luigi Rebuffi, European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) eta Women4Cyber Foundation, "Eskualdeen funtsezko eginkizuna Europako zibersegurtasunean" gaiari buruz mintzatu zen, eta ROC (Regions in Operational Cybersecurity) ekimen berria beharrezkoa dela nabarmendu zuen, eskualdeko agintariek…


"Esperientzia Sektorialen" panelean Idoia Mateo Murillo - Santander, Xabier Mitxelena - Cybasque eta Andoni Valverde Villar - Iberdrola parte hartu zuten, INCIBE-ko Maria Eugenia López Hernandez-ek moderatuta. Gehien errepikatu zen hitza "eraldaketa digitala" izan zen, eta nabarmendu zuten enpresek…


Roberto Pérez de Arriluzea, AKG (Arabako Kalkulu Gunea), Maribel Ugarte Albisu, Izfe, S.A. Informatika Zerbitzuen Foru Elkartea, Imanol Sauto, Lantik S.A., eta Oier Pérez Egiluz, Eusko Jaurlaritza, moderatzaile bezala, "Euskal Administrazio Publikoen erronkak" panelean parte hartu zuten. Bertan,…


Gure Zuzendari Nagusiak, Francisco Javier Diéguez Barriocanal, Euskadirako proiektu berri honen buru izateko gogo bizia eta konpromisoa adierazi zigun Cyberzaintza-ren aurkezpen ekitaldi ofizialean.


"Esperientzia Autonomikoen" panel horretan, CCN-CERT Zentro Kriptologiko Nazionaleko Pablo López-ek moderatua, Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya-ko Tomàs Roy Català eta Generalitat Valenciana-ko Carmen Serrano Durbá entzun ahal izan genituen, tokiko erakundeei zibersegurtasunean, laguntzan eta…


🖥 Cyberzaintza, Euskadiko Zibersegurtasun Agentzia berria sortu da. 📝 Josu Erkoreka buru zela agentzia eratzeko egin zen bileran oniritzia eman zaie agentzia berri honen helburuak, eginkizunak, egitura eta lege-oinarriak eta oinarri operatiboak zehazten dituzten estatutuei. 📊 2023ko lehenengo…


🖥 Cyberzaintza, Euskadiko Zibersegurtasun Agentzia berria sortu da. 📝 Josu Erkoreka buru zela agentzia eratzeko egin zen bileran oniritzia eman zaie agentzia berri honen helburuak, eginkizunak, egitura eta lege-oinarriak eta oinarri operatiboak zehazten dituzten estatutuei. 📊 2023ko lehenengo…


One of the finalists from the ECSO STARtup Award is Vaultree which has developed the world’s first fully functional data-in-use encryption solution that solves the industry’s fundamental security issue: persistent data encryption, even in the event of a leak. Vaultree enables enterprises, including…


We continue to give visibility to women in cybersecurity. In this video we remember all the women technologists we had the opportunity to meet at the last #Women4CyberCouncil in Bilbao. 


“It is necessary to take measures to promote the participation of women in the field of cybersecurity. ” We speak with Ana Isabel Ayerbe Fernández-Cuesta from @Women4Cyber_SP @Women4Cyber


“It is necessary to take measures to promote the participation of women in the field of cybersecurity. ” We speak with Ana Isabel Ayerbe Fernández-Cuesta from @Women4Cyber_SP @Women4Cyber


We continue to give visibility to women in cybersecurity. In this video we remember all the women technologists we had the opportunity to meet at the last #Women4CyberCouncil in Bilbao. 


One of the finalists from the ECSO STARtup Award is Vaultree which has developed the world’s first fully functional data-in-use encryption solution that solves the industry’s fundamental security issue: persistent data encryption, even in the event of a leak. Vaultree enables enterprises, including…


"Working all together with the BCSC to show them how we can bring all the managing stuff and all the knowledge to position BeClever as the center of excellence in the delivery of identity management project has been key for us". Aiert Azueta Dudagoitia, CEO and IAM Director at BeClever Part of…


"We boost a vibrant cybersecurity ecosystem and, in my opinion, the most advanced in southern Europe. Many of the topics discussed here these two days, are very closely related to the sustainability and the growth challenges our ecosystem is facing". Our Director, Javier Diéguez, felt grateful…


"We boost a vibrant cybersecurity ecosystem and, in my opinion, the most advanced in southern Europe. Many of the topics discussed here these two days, are very closely related to the sustainability and the growth challenges our ecosystem is facing". Our Director, Javier Diéguez, felt grateful…


Recent years brought us the creation of new regulations, with thousands of pages of regulatory requirements of certain provisions that we will have to put in practice in order to be compliant. 


"The BCSC introduced to Santander all the start-ups that were in their panel. It was for us a great opportunity to start knowing their technology. And also as we are in the process of investing in some companies, we think it's a very good work the one that has been done here." Idoia Mateo…


Recent years brought us the creation of new regulations, with thousands of pages of regulatory requirements of certain provisions that we will have to put in practice in order to be compliant. 


"The BCSC introduced to Santander all the start-ups that were in their panel. It was for us a great opportunity to start knowing their technology. And also as we are in the process of investing in some companies, we think it's a very good work the one that has been done here." Idoia Mateo…


#ECSOSTARtupAward | New regulations are coming up with the new European Cybersecurity Strategy. #Europe has a long history of industrial policies, but do we need to create a European cybersecurity net and put more and better regulations in place? More horizontal cooperation is needed in order…


#ECSOSTARtupAward | New regulations are coming up with the new European Cybersecurity Strategy. #Europe has a long history of industrial policies, but do we need to create a European cybersecurity net and put more and better regulations in place? More horizontal cooperation is needed in order…


"The BCSC has played a key role being the meeting point for all the stakeholders of cyber security. On the one hand, helping those companies to realize how important it is cybersecurity for them. And on the other hand, supporting start-ups and being the bridge between the demand and the offer in…


"The BCSC has played a key role being the meeting point for all the stakeholders of cyber security. On the one hand, helping those companies to realize how important it is cybersecurity for them. And on the other hand, supporting start-ups and being the bridge between the demand and the offer in…


"We need to go from service mentality to product mentality, from expanding to really speeding up. And if we do that, I think we are on the right track. Events like today, putting together ecosystems, putting together investors and start-ups, are the right way and one of the first steps towards that…


"We need to go from service mentality to product mentality, from expanding to really speeding up. And if we do that, I think we are on the right track. Events like today, putting together ecosystems, putting together investors and start-ups, are the right way and one of the first steps towards that…


"The good thing of our financing compared to private debt provider, for example, is that we are a big institution and we have availability of capital for a long term so we can provide the structures that are bullet. So you don't need to get cash flows from the companies up to five years from the…


"The good thing of our financing compared to private debt provider, for example, is that we are a big institution and we have availability of capital for a long term so we can provide the structures that are bullet. So you don't need to get cash flows from the companies up to five years from the…


"Since the creation of the BCSC there has been a significant movement on the way to have more synchronization and more coordination among the different partners". Joseba Laka, Digital director at TECNALIA Research & Innovation, talks about the improvement that the creation of the BCSC…


"Working all together with the BCSC to show them how we can bring all the managing stuff and all the knowledge to position BeClever as the center of excellence in the delivery of identity management project has been key for us". Aiert Azueta Dudagoitia, CEO and IAM Director at BeClever Part of…


"Since the creation of the BCSC there has been a significant movement on the way to have more synchronization and more coordination among the different partners". Joseba Laka, Digital director at TECNALIA Research & Innovation, talks about the improvement that the creation of the BCSC…


The European cybersecurity market is at a very exceptional moment right now. There’s a huge gap between the financial cost of cybercrime, that it’s 10 time bigger, and the actual value of the cybersecurity market. The European Union is really lagging in regards to investment compared with the US.…


The European cybersecurity market is at a very exceptional moment right now. There’s a huge gap between the financial cost of cybercrime, that it’s 10 time bigger, and the actual value of the cybersecurity market. The European Union is really lagging in regards to investment compared with the US.…

